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When you’re born, you possess a natural vibration or frequency. If this can be recreated and carried around, your life will flow better and make more sense. To do this, you can

  • Carry or wear your birthstone as they reproduce the vibrations of the stars and planets at your time of birth.  Use birthstones to help connect with the energy of your birth and improve your life goals. You may feel attracted to specific names, colours, or crystal healing properties. Go with what feels natural, and start with the birthstone that speaks to you the loudest.

  • Work with or use products infused with the herbs or plants associated with your time of birth. They can be used to attune to the archetypes of the twelve astrological signs and to focus on the symbolism reflected in nature as the Sun travels along its path through the Zodiac.

  • Work with items associated with your zodiac elemental sign. They are spiritual qualities that have their corresponding expression in the physical world and find their correlation in all things - the four directions, the seasons, and the temperaments of our astrological signs.


They are drawn towards you and work to boost your natural aura, the energy force field surrounding you.

01. Aquarius

Jan 20 - Feb 18.

As an Aquarius, you may be quiet and shy to the outside world- but inside that optimistic brain of yours, the world is a beautiful place full of possibilities.

02. Pisces

Feb 19 - Mar 20.

Pisces are kind, compassionate, and highly in tune with their intuition when they’re at their best.

03. Aries

Mar 21 - Apr 19.

This dynamic, fiery sign is driven, confident, and optimistic! Aries like to come in first, sometimes getting ahead of themselves when in pursuit of a goal.

04. Taurus

April 20 - May 20.

One of the most grounded signs in the zodiac, they are known for being practical, reliable, and patient.

05. Gemini

May 21 - June 20.

Represented by the twins because of the duality of their personalities.

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